The Fourth Report of the Constitutional Development Task Force
Regional Forum (New Territories East)
(29 January 2005)
Discussion Summaries of Group 2
Group Facilitator: Mr LEE Man-ching
Method for Selecting the Chief Executive
The Number of Members of the Election Committee
The Composition of the Election Committee
Some participants suggested including a certain proportion of elected District Council members in the Election Committee, e.g. by increasing the number of seats allocated to District Councils from the present 42 by three or four times. However, appointed District Council members should not be included.
A participant considered that the composition of the Election Committee should be adjusted in the light of economic restructuring. In particular, the numbers allocated to the commercial and industrial, financial, and small and medium enterprises subsectors should be increased in the light of their development. Another participant considered that drastic changes
should not be made to avoid disputes.
The Number of Members Required for Nominating Candidates
The Delineation and Size of the Electorate of the Election Committee
A participant considered that delineation of the electorate should be adjusted in the light of social restructuring. Consideration should be given to expanding the electorate of the financial, industrial and commercial, and small and medium enterprises sub-sectors.
Method for Forming the Legislative Council
The Number of Seats in the Legislative Council
A participant considered that the number of Legislative Council seats could remain unchanged at 60. Another participant considered that it could be increased to 70.
A participant wished to know the rationale for the establishment of 60 seats in Legislative Council, so that he could consider whether there was a need to adjust the establishment in view of social changes.
The Number of Seats Returned by Geographical Constituencies
A participant suggested that 5 seats be added.
A participant suggested one constituency for the entire Hong Kong for returning all directly elected members. Another participant considered that the current arrangement, whereby Hong Kong was delineated into five geographical constituencies, should be maintained. This would allow voters to have a better understanding of the candidates. Besides, candidates could
follow more closely public opinions in their respective constituencies.
The Delineation and Size of the Electorate of Legislative Council Functional Constituencies
A participant considered that the electorate should include not only professionals, but also experienced employees in the respective sectors, e.g. non-teaching staff in the education sector, clerical workers and law clerks in the legal sector.
Provisions regarding Nationality of Legislative Council Members