The Fourth Report of the Constitutional Development Task Force
Regional Forum (Hong Kong Island)
(19 March 2005)
Discussion Summaries of Group 5
Group Facilitator: Mr CHUNG Pui-lam
Method for Selecting the Chief Executive
The Number of Members of the Election Committee
Participants agreed that the number of Election Committee members should be increased. The majority of participants supported an increase to 1 600, while one participant suggested an increase to 1 200.
Participants opined that the number of members to be increased was not important. It was more important that the Election Committee should be representative and legitimate, and that it would allow balanced participation by different sectors of the community.
The Composition of the Election Committee
The majority of participants hoped to enhance the participation of the grassroots by, for example, adding representatives from area committees, kaifong associations, women associations, and industrial and commercial sectors etc.
Participants supported including all District Council members in the Election Committee.
The Number of Members Required for Nominating Candidates
The majority of participants hoped that more candidates could run for elections.
Many participants proposed an upper limit of 100 subscribers, while some suggested a lower limit of 50.
Participants opined that it was not necessary to require a candidate to secure cross-sector support.
The Delineation and Size of the Electorate of the Election Committee
Method for Forming the Legislative Council
The Number of Seats in the Legislative Council
The Number of Seats Returned by Geographical Constituencies
The Delineation and Size of the Electorate of Legislative Council Functional Constituencies
Participants suggested introducing new constituencies for women, Chinese enterprises, small and medium size enterprises, non-political organizations, etc.
A participant proposed to spilt individual constituencies, for example, the Sport, Performing Arts, Culture and Publication Constituency.
Provisions regarding Nationality of Legislative Council Members
The majority of participants agreed that starting from 2008, the number of seats which for Members holding foreign nationalities should be reduced gradually. However, a participant supported maintaining the current provision.