Regional Forum on Constitutional Development
(New Territories East)
(28 July 2004)
Group Discussion Summaries
Group 1: Mr KWAN Lim-ho
Method for Selecting the Chief Executive
The Number of Members of the Election Committee
The Composition of the Election Committee
The majority of participants considered that the representativeness of the Election Committee should be enhanced. They suggested that new subsectors for women, students, professionals, Owners' Corporations, Mutual Aid Committees, energy service and performing arts should be added.
A participant thought that the Home Affairs Department should conduct more surveys to identify organizations which had representativeness.
The Number of Members Required for Nominating Candidates
The majority of participants agreed that the existing 1:8 ratio between the number of subscribers required for nomination and the number of Election Committee members should be maintained. Should the number of Election Committee members be increased, the number of subscribers required should also be increased proportionately.
A participant opined that the number of subscribers required should be fixed at 100, regardless of the number of Election Committee members, because it was not easy to obtain support from subscribers.
Method for Forming the Legislative Council
The Number of Seats in the Legislative Council
Participants agreed that the number of seats in the Legislative Council should be increased. The proposed increase ranged between 60 and 70, a participant also suggested an increase to 80.
Another participant proposed that the seats in the Legislative Council should be increased in proportion to population growth.
The Delineation and Size of the Electorate of Legislative Council Functional Constituencies
Participants suggested new functional constituencies be added to cover sectors for women, education, students, District Councils and Rural Committees.
Provisions regarding Nationality of Legislative Council Members
The majority of participants considered that the percentage of Legislative Council Members with foreign nationality should be reduced to 10. A participant thought that the number of Legislative Council Members with foreign nationality should be limited to one or two.
A participant pointed out that all Legislative Council Members should be of Chinese nationality upon implementation of universal suffrage.