Regional Forum on Constitutional Development
(New Territories West)
(14 July 2004)
Group Discussion Summaries
Group 5: Mr Cheung Tat-leung
Method for Selecting the Chief Executive
The Number of Members of the Election Committee
The Composition of the Election Committee
The majority of participants were of the view that under the existing four sectors of the Election Committee, there were many representatives from business and finance, but not many from the middle-class and the grassroot.
Many participants suggested that the number of representatives from District Councils and Heung Yee Kuk be increased.
A participant suggested that a new subsector for women be introduced.
Another participant proposed to introduce a new subsector to include members of Area Committees and other local organizations on fight crime, fire prevention and summer activities.
The Number of Members Required for Nominating Candidates
The majority of participants agreed that the existing lower limit of 100 should be maintained.
A participant was of the view that, with the expansion of the Election Committee, the lower limit could be pitched at 10% of the total number of Election Committee members.
Another participant said that there should be an upper limit on the number of subscribers to avoid concentrating all the support on a single candidate.
Method for Forming the Legislative Council
The Number of Seats in the Legislative Council
The majority of participants agreed that the number of seats in the Legislative Council should be increased. Consideration should first be given to the increase in the number of seats for functional constituencies, to be matched by a corresponding increase of seats returned by geographical constituencies.
The Delineation and Size of the Electorate of Legislative Council Functional Constituencies
A participant suggested that the number of seats returned by functional constituencies could be increased by two methods. One was to increase proportionately the number of seats for existing constituencies with larger electorate, such as Insurance, Tourism, Education and Financial Services. Another was to split constituencies comprising subsectors of different nature,
for example, the Performing Arts, Culture and Publication constituency should be divided into two constituencies.
Some participants proposed to introduce new constituencies for women, Chinese medicine, Mainland enterprises, kai-fong organizations, students and religion.
Provisions regarding Nationality of Legislative Council Members