Press Releases

100,000 apply for voter registration

The Secretary for Constitutional Affairs, Mr Stephen Lam, today (June 28) said that since the voter registration campaign started on June 1, the Registration and Electoral Office had received about 100,000 applications.

In a bid to urge even more eligible persons to sign up as voters before July 16, the deadline for voter registration for the District Council elections to be held in November 2003, Mr Lam made a personal appeal to young audience at a pop concert of the campaign held at a Tsuen Wan shopping centre this afternoon.

He said that there were more and more avenues for members of the public especially young people to show their concern about the community and participate in public affairs. And, one of the most important avenues was to register as voters so as to enable themselves to elect representatives of their choice to sit on the District Councils and Legislative Council.

End/Saturday, June 28, 2003