Press Releases

SCA to speak about "One Country, Two Systems" in Australia

The Secretary for Constitutional Affairs, Mr Stephen Lam, will depart for Australia tomorrow (September 21) afternoon to meet with Australian government officials, community leaders and the media to update them on the latest developments in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region including the implementation of "one country, two systems" and constitutional development.

During the three-day visit, Mr Lam will cover Perth and Sydney.

In Perth, he will give a speech at a luncheon meeting to be hosted by the Asia Society AustralAsia Centre. He will also meet with the Federal Minister for Justice, The Honourable Christopher Ellison, and the President of the Law Society of Western Australia, Ms Elizabeth Heenan.

In Sydney, Mr Lam will deliver a speech at a luncheon to be hosted by the Hong Kong Australia Business Association, New South Wales Chapter and the Australia China Business Council, New South Wales Branch.

Mr Lam will also meet with the New South Wales Attorney-General, The Honourable Bob Debus, the President of the Law Society in New South Wales, Mr Robert Benjamin, and the President of the New South Wales Bar Association, Mr Bret Walker. He will also be meeting with representatives of two think tanks including the Asia-Australia Institute and the Gilbert and Tobin Centre for Public Law.

Mr Lam will return to Hong Kong on September 24.

End/Saturday, September 20, 2003