Press Releases

EAC Report on the 2000 LegCo Elections published

The Electoral Affairs Commission Report on the 2000 Legislative Council elections is published today (January 22).

The Report examines the effectiveness of the practical arrangements for the 2000 Legislative Council (LegCo) elections, relates how complaints were handled and sets out recommendations for possible adoption in future elections.

"We are very much grateful to the Electoral Affairs Commission (EAC) for their efforts in reviewing the arrangements for the LegCo elections and compiling the post-election Report. Under the supervision of the EAC, the poll was on the whole smooth and efficient. But, in its pursuit of continuous improvement, the EAC has identified a few areas where improvements may be required to further enhance the quality of electoral services in the next rounds of elections," a Government spokesman said.

"The Government is studying the recommendations contained in the Report carefully. We will take into account the views of the community before deciding whether changes should be made.

"As a first step, we will brief the LegCo Panel on Constitutional Affairs on the Report and listen to their views on issues raised therein in February 2001," he said.

The Report was submitted by the EAC to the Chief Executive in December 2000 in accordance with the requirements in the Electoral Affairs Commission Ordinance (Cap. 541). In line with past practice and the principle of open and transparent elections, the Government agreed that the Report should be made public.

Copies of the Report are available at the district offices. The Report can also be found on the internet (

End/Monday, January 22, 2001