
Regional Cooperation with the Mainland

Hong Kong/Beijing Economic and Trade Cooperation Conference

Date Title Document
Year 2006
2006/11/15 Second Plenary Session of HK-Beijing Economic and Trade Co-operation Conference  
2006/11/15 行政長官在京港經貿合作會議第二次會議的開場發言全文(Chinese Version Only)(附圖)  
2006/11/15 行政長官在京港經貿合作會議第二次會議總結發言內容(Chinese Version Only)  
2006/11/15 行政長官在第十屆北京.香港經濟合作研討洽談會的致辭全文(Chinese Version Only)(附圖)  
Year 2004
2004/09/02 京港高層會晤暨京港經貿合作會議第一次會議  
2004/09/02 行政長官在京港經貿合作會議致歡迎辭  
2004/09/02 行政長官及北京市委書記與傳媒談話全文  

For the information in 2010 or later, please click here.