The Rights of the Individual

Complaint Statistics relating to Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

(for the period 7 July 2005 – 30 June 2006)

1. Number of Complaints

Complaints Received 5*
Complaints carried forward from last year --
Total no. of complaints handled 5

*One complaint was jointly lodged by 327 individuals.

2. Status and Results of Complaints Handled
(as at 30 June 2006)

Awaiting Complainants to
Substantiate the Cases
Complaints Being Handled --
Not Pursuable 4 Complainants did not want to continue --
Lack in Substance 3
No response from complainants --
No response from respondents --
Others 1**
Completed 1
Total 5

** The complainant failed to identify the complainee and the complaint was considered "not pursuable". The Unit later sought clarification from a government department. The complainant satisfied after clarification with the department and the follow up actions were completed.

3. Classification of Complaints Completed / Not Pursuable

Nature No. of Complaints
Government Departments / Public Bodies --
Goods / Facilities / Services 1
Recruitment / Employment --
Education --
Offensive Behaviors (verbally or in written format) 3
Media 1
Accommodation / Building Management --
Others --
Total 5