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Date Topics
2007/12/19 LC: Speech by SCMA in moving the second reading of the Legislative Council (Amendment) Bill 2007
2007/12/09 SCMA's speech at the Opening Ceremony of 'Culture in Motion' variety show (English only)
2007/12/01 SCMA speaks at 44th Speech Day of Bishop Hall Jubilee School
2007/11/11 SCMA speaks at ‘Zurich Business Administration Paper 2007’ opening (English only)
2007/10/17 LC: Statement by SCMA on Report on Further Development of the Political Appointment System
2007/09/03 SCMA's remarks at Hong Kong Democratic Foundation luncheon (English only)
2007/08/30 SCMA's remarks at Chinese Manufacturers' Association
2007/07/11 Speech by SCMA at the Motion Debate on the rights and interests of the ethnic minorities at the Legislative Council