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HKSAR Government adopts report by Independent Commission on Remuneration Package for CE

A Government spokesman said today (June 14), that after seeking the advice of the Executive Council, the Administration had decided to accept in principle the report by the Independent Commission on Remuneration Package and Post-office Arrangements for the Chief Executive of the HKSAR.

"On the basis of the recommendations of the independent commission, the Administration will work out the detailed arrangements for the remuneration and post-office arrangements relating to the office of the Chief Executive (CE)," the spokesman said.

"We will brief the Legislative Council Panel on Constitutional Affairs about the Administration's position at its next meeting on June 20, and listen to Members' views on the recommendations of the independent commission. In light of the panel's feedback, we will seek approval of the Finance Committee as appropriate."

The independent commission, chaired by Mr Wong Po-yan, and with Mr Vincent Cheng Hoi-chuen, Professor Liu Pak-wai and Dr Thomas Leung Kwok-fai as members, submitted its report to the Administration on June 9.

The report recommended that the existing remuneration package should continue to be applicable to the new CE returned through the by-election. The new package, which was a total cash package set at 12.5% over the pay of the Chief Secretary for Administration, would be implemented in July 2007 when the third term CE assumed office.

The report also recommended that former CEs should be subject to post-office employment control within three years of leaving office. During the first year, a former CE would be barred from taking up any employment or re-engaging in any commercial activities. In the following two years, he should seek advice from an advisory committee before commencing any employment or commercial activities. Blanket exemption would be made for him to undertake appointment with the Central Authorities or the HKSAR Government, or academic or charitable bodies during the three-year control period.

Former CEs would be provided with office accommodation and administrative support as well as a car with driver service to discharge promotional and protocol-related functions. Depending on the Police's assessment, personal security protection would be provided. Former CEs would also enjoy protocol arrangements and medical and dental care.

Ends/Tuesday, June 14, 2005
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