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LCQ10: Expenditure for election of second-term Chief Executive

Following is a question by the Hon Cheung Man-kwong and a written reply by the Secretary for Constitutional Affairs, Mr Michael Suen, in the Legislative Council meeting today (April 10):

Question :

Regarding the election of the second-term Chief Executive, will the Government inform this Council:

(a) of the number of temporary staff employed by the Registration and Electoral Office to prepare for and conduct the election and the overall expenditure, with detailed breakdowns by the expenditure on the salary of temporary staff, rent for the office, activity arrangements, press conferences, printing, postage, publicity advertisements etc.; and

(b) whether it knows the public or statutory bodies which have put up advertisements to congratulate the Chief Executive on his re-election, of their expenditure on the advertisements, and whether they have spent public money or used their own resources to meet such expenses?

Reply :

Madam President,

(a) A breakdown of the estimated expenditure to be incurred by the Registration and Electoral Office (REO) in the preparation and conduct of the Second Term Chief Executive election is as follows:

........................................................................Estimated total expenditure ($'000)
(A) Personal emoluments for civil servants........................ 2430 (involving 6 staff)
......temporarily deployed to REO ________________________________________________________________
(B) Election expenses
..... 1. Salaries for non-civilservice contract staff ................. 860 (involving 10 staff)
..... 2. Office rentals*............................................................. -
..... 3. Printing/postage......................................................... 10
..... 4. Publicity................................................................... 110
..... 5. Other electioexpenses (including deposits ................. 770
........ for hiring venues, expenses in organizing
........ activities/press conferences, purchasing stationery,
........ and other miscellaneous expenses, etc)
........ -------------------------------------------------------------
(B) Sub-total ..................................................................... 1750
(A)+(B) Total..................................................................... 4180

* As the REO carries out all its work within its existing office premises, no extra expenditure has been incurred.

(b) As the congratulatory advertisements were published after the completion of the election and did not form part of the election, we have no record of such information.

End/Wednesday, April 10, 2002.