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LCQ9: Possible policy changes issues brought by new term government

     Following is a question by the Hon Paul Chan and a written reply by the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Raymond Tam, in the Legilsative Council today (November 16):


     The Chief Executive indicated after delivering the Policy Address that good policies would definitely continue to be implemented. Yet, the new SAR Government will be formed in July next year and the persons who intend to run in the Chief Executive Election have respectively expressed their views on different policies, some of which are different in varying degrees from the existing government policies (including education, the Civil Service and poverty alleviation, etc.). In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(a) whether a mechanism is in place at present for making preparation for the possible policy changes brought by the change of government; if so, of the specific contents; if not, the reasons for that, and whether it will begin to establish such a mechanism now;

(b) after establishing the mechanism concerned, how the Government will calculate the manpower and resources involved in carrying out the relevant work; and whether it will consult the public on this; and

(c) whether a study has been conducted on the views on policies put forth by the persons who intend to run in the 2012 Chief Executive Election; if so, when the study has begun and is anticipated to be completed, of its specific contents and findings and whether the findings will be made public; if it has not conducted such a study, the reasons for that, and whether it will initiate the study?



(a) On October 12, the Chief Executive (CE) delivered the last Policy Address within his term of office which covered different policy areas. It takes time for any policy to be implemented. Just as the CE stated in the press conference after delivering the Policy Address, good policies which receive public support would continue to be implemented by any Administration. On the other hand, any CE may adjust those policies which have room for improvement.

(b) After the fourth term CE is elected in March next year, the current term government will consult the CE designate and provide him/her with the necessary support to ensure that the formation of the political team, the implementation of the election platform and the handing over to the next term government proceed smoothly. The manpower and resources involved will be met by internal redeployment where possible.

(c) The HKSAR government hold high regard for suggestions of the community and the public in respect of various policy areas. We will study carefully proposals put forth by any organisation or individual for promoting community development and raising the quality of life of the general public. We shall deal with the policy transition issues as necessary after the election of the fourth term CE.

Ends/Wednesday, November 16, 2011

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