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Speech by DSCMA at World Expo 2010 Shanghai China Individual Ticket Sales Launch Ceremony for HK Region (with photos)

     Following is the English translation of the speech by the Deputy Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Howard Chan, at the World Expo 2010 Shanghai China, Individual Ticket Sales Launch Ceremony for Hong Kong Region today (June 29):

Honoured guests, ladies and gentlemen,

     On behalf of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government, may I, first of all, extend my warmest welcome to our guests and friends of the media for attending today’s ceremony. Together we will witness the special occasion.

     The Shanghai Expo ticket sales in Hong Kong was officially launched three months ago. The "World Expo 2010 Shanghai China – Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China Ticket Sales Launch Ceremony" jointly organised by the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Co-ordination (Shanghai Expo Bureau), the China Travel Service (Hong Kong) Limited (CTS(HK)) and the HKSAR Government on April 2 received support from all sectors of the community and was widely covered by the news media. With only 306 days to go before the opening of the Shanghai Expo, ticket sales in Hong Kong will enter a new stage.  Starting from today, individual tickets of the Shanghai Expo are available for sale to the general public. I would like to take this opportunity to call on all Hong Kong people to give active and enthusiastic support to the event and visit the Expo in Shanghai next year.

     Next year's Shanghai Expo is a mega event to be hosted by China and will draw worldwide attention. The HKSAR Government is greatly honoured to have the opportunity to take part in the event and attaches great importance to it. We believe that participation in the World Expo will bring great benefits to our country, to Shanghai and to Hong Kong in various aspects.

     Located near the China Pavilion in the Expo Park, the Hong Kong Pavilion (HK Pavilion) will be under the theme "Hong Kong – a City with Unlimited Potential" to showcase the city's connectivity and creativity.

     Apart from constructing the HK Pavilion, we will also participate in the Urban Best Practices Area (UBPA) Exhibition under the theme "Smart Card, Smart City, Smart Life" to demonstrate the extensive use of smart cards and quality city life in Hong Kong. We will also organise an array of events and cultural programmes to exhibit our diverse culture and creative industries.

     I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Shanghai Expo Bureau for the great support and guidance given in our participation in the Shanghai Expo. My gratitude also goes to CTS(HK) for its assistance in promoting community support for and participation in the event. I look forward to the continued co-operation with the Shanghai Expo Bureau and CTS(HK) in bringing Hong Kong to the Shanghai Expo, and bringing the Shanghai Expo to Hong Kong.

     In the coming months, we will step up publicity efforts progressively. The day after tomorrow, we will hold a Foundation Completion Ceremony for the Hong Kong Pavilion in Shanghai. A two-week "Exhibition on Hong Kong's Participation in Expo 2010 Shanghai China" will also be held in Shanghai to attract more visitors to the Shanghai Expo.

     In less than a year, the Shanghai Expo will be opened officially. We are eagerly looking forward to this important occasion. We sincerely hope that the general public and friends of the media will give their active support to the event and enthusiastically participate in it. I look forward to seeing you all at the Shanghai Expo next year.

     Thank you.

Ends/Monday, June 29, 2009

World Exposition 2010 Shanghai China, Individual Ticket Sales Launch Ceremony for Hong Kong Region was held today (June 29) to mark the ticket sales in Hong Kong entering a new stage. Starting from July 1, individual tickets of the Shanghai Expo are available for sale to the general public. Photo shows the Deputy Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Howard Chan, and other guests officiating at the launching ceremony.

Individual ticket sales for Shanghai World Expo starts (1)

World Exposition 2010 Shanghai China, Individual Ticket Sales Launch Ceremony for Hong Kong Region was held today (June 29) to mark the ticket sales in Hong Kong entering a new stage. Starting from July 1, individual tickets of the Shanghai Expo are available for sale to the general public. Photo shows the Deputy Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Howard Chan, and other guests officiating at the launching ceremony.

The Deputy Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Howard Chan, addressing at the World Exposition 2010 Shanghai China, Individual Ticket Sales Launch Ceremony for Hong Kong Region today (June 29).

Individual ticket sales for Shanghai World Expo starts (2)

The Deputy Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Howard Chan, addressing at the World Exposition 2010 Shanghai China, Individual Ticket Sales Launch Ceremony for Hong Kong Region today (June 29).

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