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SCA joins cleansing exercises

The Secretary for Constitutional Affairs, Mr Stephen Lam, today (April 20) joined commercial operators in Whampoa Garden, Hung Hom and residents in a rehabilitation centre in Wong Chuk Hang in a series of cleansing exercises in a bid to help prevent Atypical Pneumonia (AP).

At Whampao Garden, Mr Lam began action in a cinema, where he cleansed the seats inside the theatre, and tables and seats at the lobby with diluted domestic bleach.

He then visited a commercial complex and joined the management staff to spray liquid disinfectant onto the hands of shoppers and used an infra-red thermometer to check the temperature of those shoppers who requested to check their body temperature.

He also distributed health and cleansing advice, face masks and disinfectant cotton pads to residents.

Mr Lam visited some of the shops and was briefed on the kind of precautionary measures taken by operators to help halt the infection. Mr Lam also showed his concern on how the operators' business had been affected by the AP outbreak.

Mr Lam wound up his visit by patronising a Chinese restaurant. His guests included members of the Kowloon City District Council (DC) and Area Committees, who joined him in the cleansing exercise in the cinema as well as the press who covered the visit.

At the TWGH Jockey Club Rehabilitation Centre in Wong Chuk Hang, Mr Lam joined the elderly residents to do some exercises in an open air podium, so as to encourage them to continue to do more exercises to help stay healthy.

He then joined the mentally handicapped residents to clean up a common room. He also cleansed some of the equipment in a physiotherapy gym.

In the events mentioned above, Mr Lam was also joined by members of the DC/Area committees of individual district including the Vice Chairman of Kowloon City DC, Mr Lau Wai-wing, the Chairman of Southern DC, Mr Chan Yuek-sut, Joseph, and the Vice Chairman of Southern DC, Mr Wong King-cheung. At the rehabilitation centre, Mr Lam was briefed by the Chairman of the Tung Wah Group of Hospital, Mr Yeung Chiu Sing, Ricky and other members of the group, before starting action in high spirits.

End/Sunday, April 20, 2003
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