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> Publications and Press Releases > Speeches

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Date Topics
2011/12/13 Opening remarks by SCMA
2011/09/21 SCMA attends 7th PPRD Regional Co-operation and Development forum and Trade Fair (with photo)
2011/09/14 Speech by SCMA
2011/08/15 SCMA's speech at luncheon to celebrate India's Independence Day
2011/07/13 LC: Speech by SCMA in moving the Second Reading of the Personal Data (Privacy) (Amendment) Bill 2011
2011/07/06 LegCo: Speech of motion by SCMA to amend five Amendment Regulations under the Electoral Affairs Commission Ordinance
2011/06/21 PSCMA attends Greater Pearl River Delta Forum 2011 (with photos)
2011/06/08 LC: Speech by SCMA in moving the Second Reading of the Legislative Council (Amendment) Bill 2011
2011/05/26 Speech by SCMA at the International Conference on "The Family and Sexual Ethics: Christian Foundations and Public Values"
2011/05/04 LC: Speech by SCMA in moving the Second Reading of the Electoral Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2011
2011/04/14 LC: Speech by SCMA on the Declaration of Constituencies (District Councils) Order 2011
2011/03/22 SCMA's opening remarks at LegCo special Finance Committee meeting
2011/03/03 LC: Speech by SCMA in moving the resumption of second reading of the Legislative Council (Amendment) Bill 2010
2011/03/02 LC: Speech by SCMA in moving the resumption of second reading of the Chief Executive Election (Amendment) Bill 2010
2011/01/18 Speech by SCMA at luncheon to celebrate the 61st anniversary of India's Republic Day (English only)
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