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Hong Kong/Shanghai Co-operation Conference

Date Title Document
Year 2024
2024/04/26 Sixth Plenary Session of the Hong Kong/Shanghai Co-operation Conference held in Hong Kong (with photos/video)  
2024/04/26 Speech by CE at Sixth Plenary Session of Hong Kong/Shanghai Co-operation Conference (Chinese Version Only) (with photos/video)  
Year 2021
2021/08/30 5th Plenary Session of Hong Kong/Shanghai Co-operation Conference (with photos/video)  
2021/08/30 Speech by CE at 5th Plenary Session of Hong Kong/Shanghai Co-operation Conference (Chinese Version Only) (with photos/video)  
Year 2018
2018/08/24 4th Plenary Session of Hong Kong/Shanghai Co-operation Conference held in Hong Kong (with photos)  
2018/08/24 Speech by CE at 4th Plenary Session of Hong Kong/Shanghai Co-operation Conference (Chinese Version Only) (with photos/video)  
2018/08/24 Speech by CE at Signing Ceremony-cum-Lunch after 4th Plenary Session of Hong Kong/Shanghai Co-operation Conference (Chinese Version Only) (with photos/video)  
2018/08/22 CE meets Mayor of Shanghai (with photo)  
Year 2015
2015/04/10 Third Plenary Session of Hong Kong/Shanghai Co-operation Conference
Attachments(Chinese only)
Year 2012
2012/01/05 滬港經貿合作會議第二次會議(Chinese Version Only)(附圖/附件)
Attachments(Chinese only)
2012/01/05 行政長官出席滬港經貿合作會議致辭全文(Chinese Version Only)(附圖/短片)  
2012/01/05 財政司司長出席滬港經貿合作會議致辭全文(Chinese Version Only)(附圖)  
2012/01/05 行政長官談滬港經貿合作會議(Chinese Version Only)  
2012/01/03 行政長官前往上海出席滬港經貿合作會議(Chinese Version Only)  
Year 2010
2010/10/21 SCMA to attend closing ceremony of HK Week at Shanghai Expo  
2010/09/30 政務司司長出席上海虹橋至香港定期航班全面開通慶祝儀式致辭全文(Chinese Version Only)(附圖)  
2010/09/30 政務司司長上海會見傳媒談話全文(Chinese Version Only)(附圖)  
2010/09/16 SCS leads delegation of Permanent Secretaries to continue visit to Shanghai (with photos)  
2010/09/14 SCED opens ICT Elite Forum for Shanghai Expo (with photos)  
2010/08/19 SCMA supports Hong Kong's Cantonese opera performance in Shanghai (with photo)  
2010/07/21 財經事務及庫務局局長在上海會見傳媒的談話全文(Chinese Version Only)  
2010/07/21 財經事務及庫務局局長在上海金融論壇閉幕辭全文(Chinese Version Only)(附短片)  
2010/07/21 財政司司長出席香港參博「金融論壇」的致辭全文(Chinese Version Only)(附圖/短片)  
2010/07/16 Hong Kong stages "Stories Behind Banknotes" exhibition for Shanghai Expo  
2010/07/16 Shanghai Hongqiao Airport added as point for scheduled air services between Mainland and Hong Kong  
2010/06/22 Opening of the "One Country, Two Systems" Exhibition at the Hong Kong Pavilion at Shanghai Expo  
2010/06/01 SCED: Leverage on Shanghai Expo to showcase Hong Kong design (with photos/video)  
2010/05/23 New exhibition on global connectivity kicks off at Hong Kong Pavilion in Shanghai Expo  
2010/05/15 FS officiates at Hong Kong Design Centre Exhibition opening in Shanghai (with photos/video)  
2010/05/15 Speech by FS at opening of "Hong Kong: Creative Ecologies - Business, Living, Creativity" exhibition  
2010/05/08 Musical production by Yat Po Singers raises curtain on HK's cultural programme for Shanghai Expo (with photos)  
2010/04/08 Kaleidoscope of Hong Kong cultural talents on show for Shanghai Expo (with photos/video)  
2010/04/08 康樂及文化事務署署長出席「連繫香港-文化篇 香港參與2010年上海世博會」記者招待會致辭全文(Chinese Version Only)  
2010/01/21 財經事務及庫務局局長出席香港交易所及上海證券交易所聯合新聞發布會致辭全文(Chinese Version Only)(附圖)  
2010/01/20 Education Bureau holds expert talk on Shanghai Expo (with photos)  
2010/01/19 財經事務及庫務局局長在「加強滬港金融合作備忘錄簽署儀式」的發言全文(Chinese Version Only)(附圖)  
2010/01/19 Hong Kong and Shanghai sign MOU to advance financial co-operation  

For the information in 2009 or earlier, please click here.